At your local shelter are healthy, loving pets waiting for a family. Going home with a new family can be the best day of their lives. Give a pet a chance today and make it the best day of his or her life. Not only will you save a life but you'll free up much needed space for another pet to have a chance at a new life.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Could You Be Dobie's Special Person?

Imagine for a minute, if you will…you are picked up walking down the street after you wandered away from your home or your owner just let you out. You are put in the back of a truck and taken to this place that has a whole bunch of others in the same situation as you. You’re brought in to this big room and put in to a cage with a bed and water and bars on the door. You hear others in the room with you but can’t see them. All you can hear are some of them calling out for help and some of others crying because they’re scared. You sit in your cage waiting for your family to come and find you and bring you back home. Each time you have to go do your business, you have to do it in your cage. But you know you’re not supposed to do that and you’re supposed to go outside. So you call out for someone to take you out so you can go, but no one comes and you end up having to do it in your cage. Then you have to wait for someone to come along and clean it up. Each time you hear someone approaching you think it’s your family, the family that you love and want to be back with. But, it’s not and they never do come to find you.

After what seems like an eternity (10 days), you are moved to another room. There is a bunch of others in there with you. You hear someone say something about your family not coming and you getting adopted. But you have to wait until there is a place for you. So you wait, just like you did in the previous room, but this room is a little different. People come in and out throughout the day to let as many of you outside as they can. Some days you get to go outside and the first thing you do is your business, so you don’t have to do it in your cage and wait for someone to clean it up for you. Some days you get a long time outside (30 minutes) and some days you don’t but you’re thankful for every minute you get because you love to be outside. Then one day it happens…someone comes to get you and tells you that you’re going in a room where people will be able to see you and fall in love with you and take you home.

You’re still in a cage but now you’re in a room where people can come in to see you and you can see them. You’re so excited because now maybe your family will be able to find you or maybe a really nice family will fall in love with you and take you home. Every day there are people who come in to the big room and they look at you there in your cage and walk by. They go to other cages and take other dogs out and then some of them adopt them and make them part of their family. Those lucky ones get to live in a house again and not in a cage. They’ll get to go outside whenever they want and will be able to be next to their people that they love. But that doesn’t happen for you very often at all. You sit there in your kennel begging for someone to take you outside or to play with you, but you get looked at and passed over time and time again. You see the others being allowed to leave and wonder why not me...what did I do that was so bad?

This has been Dobie’s life since March. He has spent 1/3 of his life in a shelter being passed over, not because he’s a bad dog but because he’s a Big Black Dog and a pit mix. The funny thing is that Dobie has no idea what color he is or what breed he is. He doesn’t care if you’re white or black, American, Korean, Chinese or Latino. All Dobie knows is that you are a person and he loves to be with his person. All he cares is that you take him outside, play with him, throw his ball for him and love him. He is willing to give anyone a chance but is anyone willing to give him a chance? If you’re willing to give this loving boy a chance, then go and meet him at the Virginia Beach Animal Care and Adoption Center at 341 S. Birdneck Road. If you’re reading this and you’re not in a position to adopt this amazing boy then please consider fostering him. Simply contact Wayne Gilbert at VBAC&AC for more information on fostering him.

This is the first time I've written a blog entry on an individual dog. But Dobie is not just any dog. He is a very special boy and I promised him that I would find him a special home. You can meet Dobie at the Virginia Beach Animal Care and Adoption Center at 342 S. Birdneck Road. If you would like to learn more about Dobie, please check out his facebook page at

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